Tuesday, December 4, 2012

♫ Christmas Time Is Here ♫

Hello All! This is my absolute favorite time of the year. It is so exciting. Family and friends with so much love to go around...ok I know I sound like a hippy but that just fine and dandy with me! This past weekend I had the pleasure of having my niece and nephew over for a sleepover while their parents (my sister and her husband) and my husband helped them move. They recently purchased a home so on top of their already overworked lives they are throwing in a move too! Anyway, my children get so excited to spend time with their cousins and I am always so happy to spend time with them. So we all decided to start decorating for Christmas. We put together our tree (I cannot do the real trees because my ENTIRE family and I are allergic!) and strung up lights. As I started to get my ornaments together I realized that I am missing an entire box :(    See I told you-- something ALWAYS goes a bit wrong. I am missing bulbs and ribbons and I am pretty sure a strand of lights are gone too. Unfortunately this month is always extremely tight with us. We have Christian and Malachi's birthday (December 21st) my birthday (December 22nd) and of course, Christmas for 3 children.  So obviously going out and buying some new decorations is out of the question. But at this point my tree looked ridiculously empty. Think Christina, Think. I got it! Pine cones! We have them everywhere! So I went out to the yard and snagged up about 2 dozen pretty ones and grabbed a bit of string. I hung them and I LOVE them! I go with a Gold, Cream, and Silver theme on my tree (with white lights of course) and the homemade Pine cone ornaments made it look very chic. I may wind up dipping some of them in a bit of glue and applying some glitter as well just to make it sparkly! I am overall very happy with how it turned out and hopefully my other box of Christmas Decor shows up (fingers crossed please!)
Pine cone + String= Ornament!

      Later on in the day we played outside, rode bikes, watched Jumanji (which they all loved) and enjoyed tacos for dinner. After dinner we all went out on a walk to see all of the beautifully decorated houses. The kids all enjoyed sharing which lights were their favorites and it reminded me of driving around in the car looking at Christmas lights with my family when I was a little girl. I just love this time of year. It is so magical!!!!  
Rather Pretty!


  1. The tree looks gorgeous! Great idea with the pinecones. PS. if you join bloglovin' it will automatically post all the blogs you post to your facebook:)

  2. Laurie You are so fantastic! Thank you for the tip. No one really reads this thing but you were right it is very therapeutic and its is so fun!
